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"For a few dollars a month, having a Digital Title Certificate as an immutable record to prove my ownership - especially if the government's systems fail or get hacked - is a no brainer."

How TitleShield PRO saved California apartment investor catch title thief red hnaded

Title theft is becoming an increasingly prevalent form of white-collar crime, causing serious financial harm to property owners. It seems odd to think that someone could steal your property by changing some documents at the county courthouse, but it's happening more and more. Worse, no county offices in the United States are using distributed ledger technology to store records, so it's possible for a hacker, or AI bot, to change thousands of records in a matter of hours.

"TitleShield PRO package provided me with a way to stop this criminal activity before it was too late," Don explained. Don (we've withheld his real name for confidentiality reasons) owns an apartment complex in Northern California. He opted to purchase for Title App's TitleShield PRO package because he found the Digital Title Certificate idea appealing. "Blockchain technology makes a lot of sense for real estate, and this service provides a private solution to what I see becoming a big problem with governments."

But what Don found was much more immediate. Someone was in the process of trying to fraudulent claim his property through a "quiet title" action. After receiving a notification from Title App alert service, Don quickly took action to prevent the theft. With the help of TitleShield PRO, he was able to uncover the issue and contact the county offices to take the necessary steps to protect his property.

 By using TitleShield PRO, property owners can receive 24/7 title security monitoring, unlimited property reports, and mortgage monitoring to stay ahead of the game and prevent title fraud from occurring.

"It's really crazy that governments still use a record keeping system developed over 250 years ago." Don said. "The old record keeping systems are prone to so many errors and increasingly easy to hack."

"For a few dollars a month, having Title App and a Digital Title Certificate as a back up to prove my ownership is a no brainer."


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